Common Web Design Mistakes Image

Web design mistakes can hurt your business in numerous ways. Good web design is essential for every business. It establishes your brand visibility online and also helps inform customers about your products or services. A bad website can drive potential customers away, while a good one can help reel them in.

1. Wall of Text

This is one of the most common web design mistakes. If your text isn’t easily scannable, people aren’t going to read it. It will seem too daunting or dull, and they’ll quickly move on. Instead, break up text into smaller, bite-sized paragraphs and incorporate images or videos to help keep readers interested.

2. Too Many Images

Just like you don’t want too much text, you don’t want too many images as well. Not only will this slow your site down (a major no-no!), it’s difficult to convey information through images alone.

3. Links that Don’t Change Colour When Visited

Users want to be able to keep track of their movements through a website, so make sure your links change colour once a visitor has clicked on them.

4. Too Much/Too Little Whitespace

Strike a balance here. You don’t want your page to look cluttered and unreadable, but you don’t want it to look sparse either. These web design mistakes can easily make you seem like you either have too much going on or not enough.

5. Inconsistent Design

Each page of a website should have a cohesive look, not like they’re all coming from different sites. You want to present a seamless user experience, so use design elements with that in mind.

6. Broken Links

Test your site often, as broken links make you seem less reliable and trustworthy, as well as stopping your customers from receiving vital information about your business.

7. Difficult to Use Navigation

If a visitor can’t easily navigate through your site, they usually won’t bother to. As a result, each page of your website should make it clear how to get elsewhere; usually through a navigation bar on the top or side.

8. Not Linking to Social Networks

Your business probably has a Facebook or Twitter. Make sure people can find those accounts from your website. This can mean icons that link to your social media pages, so users can find them quickly and easily.

9. Complicated Registration Forms

Forms that require too much work on the part of the user generally won’t get filled out. Make it as simple as possible for them, so they won’t get frustrated and leave.

10. No Headlines

People want to immediately know what type of website they’re looking at: tell them. Rather than making them search, let them know what it is you do and how you can help them right off the bat.

11. No Legibility

Dark text on a dark background is difficult to read, as well as light text on a light background. Tiny font can also be difficult to read. Your users shouldn’t have to strain to read your content. Use fonts and colours that make sense and make your webpage easy to read.

12. Nonexistent Contact Information

This one may seem obvious, but it’s a simple oversight that can lead to major headaches. Your contact information should be present on your website and easy to find.

13. No call-to-actions

Finally, leaving out a call-to-action is a critical web design mistake. Your website was created for a certain purpose. Using a call-to-action makes it clear what that purpose is and helps customers reach out to you. A web design that doesn’t include some type of call-to-action isn’t doing everything it should be.

These simple web design mistakes could be costing you conversions, so be on the lookout and make sure you’re not falling victim to any of these mistakes!

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