how to drive traffic to your website using social media

Social media is an excellent source of gaining traffic to your website, if done right you can increase your website traffic significantly. With these 5 instantly helpful tips on how to drive traffic to your website using social media, you can start getting potential customers visiting your website.

5 Instantly Helpful Tips on How to Drive Traffic to Your Website using Social Media

Logging Into Facebook From Laptop And Mobile

1. Facebook Ads

Regular posts to Facebook pages no longer get the traffic they used to. If you have found in the past few years that the reach and reactions to your posts have significantly dropped, you may need to start looking at Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads can be a relatively complicated platform to get results from, so to save yourself time and money of trying to figure out how to get conversions and wasting time doing so. We recommend finding a social media marketing agency that can create effective campaigns and funnels for your Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads won’t be useful if you do not first have amazing content to share. You want to show off the best of your brand and what it has to offer.

Facebook messenger chatbots are on the rise in Facebook advertising, they are a fantastic way to automate and promote a giveaway to direct users to your website through a marketing funnel. You can also use chatbots to broadcast sales to previous audiences you have collected in your messenger chatbot competitions.

2. Instagram content

Instagram-contentThe second piece of advice on how to drive traffic to your website using social media is to post Instagram content. Instagram is an effective and free social media platform to help get new customers for your business. Provided you have amazing and visually eye-catching content to share. You could also invest in Instagram advertising, which can produce exceptional results as part of your overall PPC campaign.

Instagram stories are a great way of sharing your company’s story and fun behind the scenes videos. Because Instagram’s algorithms are always changing, you won’t be showing up in all of your followers Instagram feed anymore. So Instagram stories are also a great way to tell your followers about new posts and direct them to content that pushes them to your website.

On Instagram, you can connect with customers by commenting and liking their posts to build up a rapport with them. This is an excellent way of building community and humanising your brand. For high scale growth, many companies use Instagram bots for increasing their following and targeting customers on a large scale. Though you could put your account at risk of being detected by Instagram and having the bot banned from your account or your account could be shut down. So always use this tool with caution.

3. YouTube

YouTube PromotionsBy creating tutorials, vlogs and product demonstrations on YouTube, you can direct more customers to your website and also increase the amount of content you can share on other platforms. Just like a website, YouTube has an SEO system in itself. Before you create your YouTube content, first look at keywords as you would with a blog. You can find inspiration by using the auto-complete feature in the YouTube and Google search bars. Youtube advertising is also an excellent way to drive traffic and is relatively cost effective.

Once you find your keyword, you need to use it in your description, tags, your closed captions (CC), your video file name and also your title. Using long tail keywords will help your video rank higher.

Women With Subscribe Written On PaperYou also want to make sure your video is fast-paced and is produced with high-quality visuals. Getting the lighting right and making sure that the sound is clear is essential in creating a quality YouTube video that people will actually watch. Don’t forget a call to action: SUBSCRIBE!

4. LinkedIn

LinkedInFor B2B marketing, LinkedIn is a business hub where you can find and connect with all of your potential customers in a non-invasive way. If done right, it can work better than cold calling clients over the phone. LinkedIn advertising gives you direct access to your target market, simply by allowing you to target your potential leads and ask them if they would like to become a part of your network.

If your account has been active for more than one year, you can also use an automation tool to contact your users at scale. For this, we recommend contacting a digital marketing agency, as they will be able to tailor the automation bot to your business and reach the right amount of leads per day with an automated message that will be sent to your target market.

Before you start contacting potential leads, ensure that your account is 100% set up. This is so that when a connection looks at your account, they can see your full information and build trust around your brand.

5. Affiliate and influencer marketing

Affiliate-and-influencer-marketingLast on our list of how to drive traffic to your website using social media is using influencers and affiliates. Affiliate and influencer marketing is amazing for driving traffic to your website and getting sales. Both affiliates and influencers are similar in the way that they can advertise your brand to their followers and get you leads or sales through advertising on their social media platforms.

The difference between an affiliate and an influencer is that an affiliate only gets paid when they successfully sell your product and an influencer is someone who has a large number of followers, and you pay them upfront to advertise your product on social media.

Both are effective, but one may be more relevant to your brand than the other. For example, an influencer is excellent for visual products that you can wear or use, such as makeup. Whereas an affiliate may be more appropriate for more industrial products, software or online courses.

difference between an affiliate and an influencer

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